I've been helping a friend of mine spruce up his website. We've been loading it up with articles and photographs, and other new content. It's a pretty basic design, but I think you'll agree it's professional and clean. Of course, any suggestions you might have on making it better, would certainly be welcome.
My friend's name is Wayne Bass, and the site is http://www.webroofing.com. He's a terrific roofing contractor in South Orange County, California. I first met Wayne when my father had his roof replaced. My father went through a list of 13 other roofing contractors before narrowing it down to Wayne. (When my dad decides to research something, he researches the hell out of it.) Since then, Wayne has done roofing repairs on my house, roofing repairs on my sister's house, replaced the roof on my business partner's house, and returned to my dad's house to repair subsequent termite damage. Part of Wayne's business is also installing windows and doors, and I had him replace all the windows in my house, and my business partner did as well. Every single job was done to exacting standards and finished up neat and clean. Now, we're all talking about having Wayne make the rounds yet again -- this time to install those new solar-powered exhaust vents on all of our roofs -- to save on cooling costs.
If you are considering having any roofing work done, in any way, or having new windows or doors installed, then be sure to check out Wayne's website, even if you don't live in Wayne's service area. As I said, we've been loading it up with lots of great information. Wayne has a knack for describing potential problems and solutions in a way that a non-contractor can easily understand. For example, you can read all about what's involved with making sure that termite damage is repaired correctly, without upsetting the structural integrity of your house. There are also articles on the proper way to fix a leaky roof, dealing with dry rot, and what's involved with a full roof restoration (which is different than getting a new roof in that the existing roofing tiles are reused).
The site also has several photo galleries that show off different styles of roofs, windows and doors, in case you are looking for ideas.