Friday, April 16, 2004

User Interfaces for Infrequent Tasks

Software DesignParaphrasing an article by Barbara Nelson of Pragmatic Marketing, good software may very well be complex, but that complexity needs to be hidden from the user as much as possible. Nelson cites Intuit’s Quicken as a prime example. "They learned what regular people needed by spending time in people's homes, watching how they managed their home finances. Quicken was the first finance package to use the checkbook metaphor, something regular people already understood. Quicken was hugely successful, and even with dozens of competitors, managed to gain 75% market-share because it was easier to use. It was the first product to take a customer-oriented view instead of a data-centric view."

One way to hide complexity is through a guided UI (a.k.a. a wizard or an interview). A common misconception is that a wizard makes a good UI for novices, when in fact they are more properly employed to address infrequent tasks, and should have nothing to do with whether or not the user is a novice. Novices aren't novices for very long (when performing a frequent task). Writing a guided UI for a frequent task is bad, because it eventually bogs the user down. On the other hand, a guided UI is perfect for an infrequent task, especially a complicated, critical, or finicky one, no matter whether the user is generally regarded as a novice, intermediate, or advanced. You might say that when it comes to infrequent tasks, every user is always a novice.

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