I discovered a neat trick for copying a record, or set of records, within the same SQL table today. For example, say you have 20 employees listed in department A, and you want to clone all 20 records to also be listed under department B.
You may or may know that this can be done with a single INSERT INTO statement if you use an embedded SELECT statement in place of the VALUES clause. The hard part is that you cannot just use SELECT * FROM table WHERE ... becuase the * would pick up the key field (e.g. DepartmentID) along with all the rest. So, you have to list every field in the table by hand, except DepartmentID. You would specify the new value as a constant ("B") instead.
The "trick" is that you can probably find a tool that will generate the INSERT and SELECT statements for you. In my case, I'm using the Query Analyzer that comes with Microsoft SQL. In the explorer pane, navigate to the table. First, right-click and choose the option to generate an INSERT script and send it to the clipboard. Paste it into your favorite editor. Next, right-click and choose the option to generate a SELECT script and send it to the clipboard. When you paste this snippet into the editor, do it so that it replaces the VALUES... part of the INSERT statement. Finally, change the field name of the key field in the SELECT statement to the appropriate constant.