I will be speaking on Tuesday, March 23 at 7pm in the city of Orange on the following topics: An introduction to UML followed by a very brief introduction to design patterns (which will, of course, be illustrated using UML diagrams). This will be at a meeting of the Orange County Delphi Users Group, although as you can see, the topics have nothing to do with Delphi, per se. OCDUG meetings are open to the public.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) comes in multiple forms and serves many purposes. This presentation will describe UML diagramming in particular and discuss the uses for it. All 9 diagram types will be presented with an emphasis on the Class diagram. (That's the one that most people think of when you just say "UML diagram.")
Software design patterns first became popular with a book called "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (a.k.a. "The Gang of Four"). All software is designed according to patterns, whether or not the programmers realize it. This book sheds light on how patterns are used in software design and offers up a catalog of certain patterns that tend to recur in good code. Many other pattern catalogs have emerged subsequently, but the original GoF catalog is still considered the proper starting point. This presentation will cover: the general concept of patterns, the difference between patterns and idioms, and how patterns are described and catalogued. One pattern (Singleton) will be discussed in detail.
The OCDUG meetings are held at Red Brick Software, 1301 East Lincoln Avenue, Orange, CA 92865. [Directions]
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