Sunday, June 06, 2004

Friedman on Outsourcing

I caught a 1-hour program on the Discovery Channel the other day about outsourcing to India that was pretty good. It was by Thomas L. Friedman a columnist for the New York Times. The program, called "The Other Side of Outsourcing" showed Friedman's visit to Bangalore, India where he interviewed Indians on the pros and cons of globalization. It looks like you can still catch a rerun on the Discovery Times channel this week if you have digital cable.

It starts off by listing all of the things that are currently being outsourced from call centers (commonly divided into inbound, i.e. service calls, and outbound, i.e. sales calls), to proofreading novels, to Indian medical doctors analyzing x-rays. They say its only the tip of the iceberg. I'm waiting for someone to start outsourcing the proofreading of American résumés.

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