Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Computer Science Careers

It's career night at U.C. Irvine again and I've been asked to participate on a panel discussion with some fellow alumni. Here are a few references that I plan on mentioning:
  • Joel Spolsky of Fog Creek Software is outspoken on many aspects of software craftsmanship. His site includes a pretty good forum discussion on questions to ask the employer during an interview. Be sure to check out Igor K's contribution at the end entitled, "How to research the company," as well as Ged Byrne's great list of questions such as "Do you fix bugs before writing new code?" and "Can you make a build in one step?"
  • Right Management Consultants do a fantastic job running outplacement seminars and otherwise helping people to boost their careers.
  • Software Development magazine is always a must read. Among the technical articles you will usually find one or two per month concerning software careers (salary surveys, outsourcing issues, résumé writing, etc.)

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